So... this is my first "post," I see it is called. Dusty and I have been spending Thanksgiving weekend with his parents in Tulsa. Currently, Dusty and Tim are outside in the dark putting the finishing touches on a dog house that they made today for Legend. It has insulation, a roof with shingles, and a front porch with decorative posts. I'm impressed. They've been out there all day. Dusty and I will drive home this evening, stop for some groceries, and then tuck Legend in her new little cove before heading to bed ourselves.
The weekend was both relaxing and productive. Thanksgiving day was delicious. Several of Dusty's relatives came over for the day. They all live in Tulsa. I admire how tight-knit his family is although I must admit, it's somewhat of a foreign concept to me. My mom came too this year. We both enjoyed the warmth of a loving family, a cozy home, and lots of good, home-cooked food.
Friday and Saturday Dusty and I put up Christmas lights around Tulsa for $75/hr. We worked hard both days and earned plenty of money to buy Christmas gifts. We had so much fun and really enjoyed working together. Driving back to Tim and Caralee's Saturday afternoon we dreamed about the possibility of starting our own lawn and garden business. Just another dream for now.
Saw "Stranger than Fiction" for the second time last night. A good movie that makes you ponder your life. Today has been relaxing. I'm not ready to go back to work yet but I'm not dreading it either. I am looking forward to getting all my internship hours completed so I can find another job that is not so frustrating!
Just in from outside. Determined that Legend fits through the door of her dog house. She said "Thanks guys, this is great," in her Legend voice.
Monday, November 27, 2006
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