So monsoon season started two days ago and it's been raining ever since. Okay, not really all the time, but it has rained every day for the majority of the day since it started. But Friday is supposed to be mostly clear. The good news is that we live up near the mountain, so the air is about 5 degrees cooler on average than in the city. It's kind of cool (literally and metaphorically) because when you start walking up the street toward our village, you can feel the change. It's refreshing now that the weather is warmer. And there's a lot of vegetation as well, especially for Seoul, which is mostly 3 or more story buildings, sidewalks, concrete, pavement, and dirt playgrounds. Yes, I said dirt. There is no "free" grass to sit on or play in for the most part. There are just too many people, so whenever it's planted, it usually wears away because too many people trample it out. So when you walk by a playground, you can always expect to see a light brown dirt covering mixed with some sand. It's a little saddening.
I guess this is it for now. I just had a few minutes to kill before going into work. oh, and here's my attempt at linking a video to the title of this message. Our friend Jeremy took a sequence of pictures starting at his apartment door and making the trip to "On the Border" in Sinchon, about an hour away. This is just about the same commute we take to go to church every week. It's really creative photography, and if you watch closely, you might see some people you know. ;) Just go up to the top and click on the title "Watch out for Monsoon Season"