It's been a wild month since I last wrote on here. We feel much more settled into our city and have been enjoying some great weekends climbing all over this beautiful, mountainous country. When the weather turned warmer, we started going out on the weekends to climb, and now here I am, a month and a half later, having not written. I think someone in our family has said before that, "no news is good news". Well that's true for us in this case. I have to remind myself to slow down sometimes to reflect and share these experiences with others.
I've really been growing in my climbing lately, but not in the conventional sense of power and strength as much as I have mentally. I don't know where I got it from, possibly from my fellow climbers (amazing people), but I've been using a few sayings lately. When something has happened that I would have liked to be different, I simply say, "it is what it is," meaning that you can't change the past so why dwell on it.

We aren't promised tomorrow. So why not live right now, making the most of every opportunity. There's some company that has a great slogan that says, "be present". That's where I am right now and it's a good place to be. Not too focused on the past or the future. I enjoy being in the present!