"Oh, dang it!" I just burned my grilled cheese sandwich. I hate it when that happens. I haven't blogged in so long. Not because of lack of stories (because there are many) but more due to lack of time (because we've been working our tails off) and getting sick yet again. I'm currently interrupted from typing because I'm about to hack up a lung. This is actually the tale end of my cold and flu. Yes, that's right... both cold and flu. I've had just about every imaginable symptom of both in the last two weeks. Aches and pains, congestion, chunky green boogers mixed with blood, lost of snot and mucus and loogies, puking, diarrhea, headache, dehydration, chills, fever, rash... yes rash, loss of voice (which doesn't bode well for teaching), and last... the cough. However, I know my body and I know the last symptom before I'm finally healthy again is that stubborn cough that just doesn't want to leave. I'm just hoping and praying that I'm done being sick for awhile. This is my third run of sickness in two months. I'm convinced it's the pollution and the fact that there are too many freakin' people crammed in too small a space. But I just wanted all our loyal blogging friends to know... I'm still alive. And though I've been sick a lot, this big city called Seoul that is on the other side of the world which does things so differently from what I'm used to... has won my heart. I'm loving every moment here.
Currently, I have two funny and interesting experiences to share. One about my first encounter with a bu day and the other having to do with Dr. Fish. I'm leaving you with the cliffhangers because my burnt grilled cheese is hot off the burner and ready to eat. Okay, bye.