So I decided to start taking Korean lessons on Monday. I had been pondering the idea ever since we got here, but they cost about $180 a month, which averages out to about $20 per hour, which isn't that bad. But that's still alot of money to me. It was a bit spontaneous: We were sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch with Karla (a Korean who also teaches English, whom I had spoken with previously about getting lessons, but was waiting because of the cost) and another couple who work here. Luke had asked me about lessons before and I had told him that Karla is supposed to be a good teacher. So he asked her if she had any time open, which she did, and found out that the cost was cheaper to do it with a partner, rather than alone ($180 is the cheaper price!). I was sitting across the table watching this all go down and before I knew it, I had also committed to joining in and learning.
Our first lesson was yesterday and I realize now that Hangul is pretty easy to pick up when you're determined. My determination is to not get left behind by Luke, who already knows English and French (he's English), so I'd consider him somewhat of a linguist. I can pronounce well, but it's hard for me to remember stuff initially. It takes me a few repetitions to get it, and the pace of the course is very fast. So I've found myself pumped full of all this knowledge, but if I don't practice, I lose it.
So today, I took my book with me everywhere I went and was amazed at how willing all the Koreans were to help me out. They were so interested to know that I was studying Korean. Everyone was grabbing my book and quizzing me. It was really cool, the prime environment to learn in. I have these pipe dreams of being able to have a decent conversation with any Korean, but we'll see how it goes. I'll have to update everyone after a month is over. But if it does work out, this could be opening a new world to me. I'm so thankful that it's as easy as it is. I know it will take some time, but I'm psyched to try and figure it out. It's like in life, when someone tells you you can't do something, you want to prove them wrong. Well, no one has said I can't do it, but it's proved to me daily when I don't understand what people are saying. It's so frustrating! Good motivation though.