Hey everyone, we finally got our camera. I know these pictures aren't too exciting. But truthfully, sometimes life isn't so exciting either. The above are of our apartment from sitting on the couch and Rebs doing what she does best. If only sleeping were considered an occupation.
Well life is very contrasting right now for Rebs and me. Or at least through this week it has been. Both SEV (where I work) and NEV are gearing up for summer camp, which officially starts this coming Monday. From what Rebs tells me, everyone who works in the offices at Nowon is dreading and not enjoying life for the next 2 weeks. They've already been working extra to prepare for the camp sessions, sometimes pulling 10 hour work days. All the grading for current classes continues, while they pile on extra work and preparations for next week. Sometimes it's just too overwhelming. Sitting at a desk grading homework becomes very monotonous very quickly. Then one feels lethargic and sleepy. Blah.
SEV's summer camp is very similar to Nowon, but for one detail. We have programmers who help to prepare for the summer camp. That means all the work that Rebs does, preparing for extra classes I am exempt from because there are other people whose jobs are just that. They've been having pre-summer camp for the past 2 weeks, which includes swimming in a very large swimming pool with about 75 kids at a time. There's no slide, and definitely no diving board because the water at it's deepest point goes up to my hips. Many kids in Korea cannot swim. There are plenty of large rubber ball good for volleyball, floating on, and pegging kids in the head when they annoy you. Hence, our form of entertainment. It's also very fun to throw the kids, especially the little ones. The fly quite well.
So yes, two very different worlds. While Rebs gets hand cramps in an office space from grading, I get to play at the swimming pool and get a tan. Something doesn't seem right. Do I feel guilty? Yes. But there's not a lot I can do to help Rebs' situation but pray for her and help out around the house more, which I've been doing. Hopefully, things won't be as bad for them as they're expecting.