We started class today. That was actually one of the smallest parts of the day. I spent about an hour and a half between 3 classes (two university and one children's), and the rest of the time getting organized. It was fun to be back working again after 4 months of not. It was fun meeting all the other professors. Many of them seem really interesting. Off the top of my head, a couple of them seem to be into educational theories and the stories behind them, a couple of the girls are really nice and are into outdoorsy stuff like us. One of them is even a climber. One guys is from Australia. I haven't met anyone from Australia that I didn't like; they just have this laid back, fun-loving vibe to them. Another guy seems like a big kid, though much smarter. He just is a little goofy and likes to have fun with himself (not in any perverted way). It was good for me just to talk with other people who I know I'll be spending a decent amount of time around. There is another guy who seems pretty active whom I could picture playing tennis or squash with in a break between classes.

After 2 weeks of hardly any contact with other foreigners, it was a breath of fresh air to shoot the breeze for a bit. It's also been nice to sort of ease into our classes this week, with no freshman classes due to level tests and only talking through the syllabus with the others. So all it left for me today was a 50 minute class with intermediate level 5th graders for the Kid's English program. Also, we get free dinner for teaching the kid's program. Just another way to save a little while we're here.

We still haven't got a couch yet, but have a bed that suits us nicely, and twinkle lights around the ceiling to make it cozy. Rebs is in the bedroom reading while I type. Even though it's pretty easy and straightforward, the first day on the job usually tires anybody out. I'm sure in a couple weeks, we'll have a routine down that works well for us and we won't be getting home pooped.

Our first three day weekend starts this Friday and I don't think I'm going to know what to do with myself. It'll be here before I know it.
I've included a few pics of our apartment and this one of us on the beach that Rebs described in the last post for you all to see. It's alot easier to show you than try to describe every detail. Hope you like them.