We got up to see the sunrise for the first time on Sunday morning. It had rained fairly hard all day Saturday, which was actually a blessing in disguise because it helped to clear the air somewhat. We had a couple friends in town, which was the perfect excuse for it. I don't know if I could have convinced Rebs to get up otherwise. So we dragged our bodies from their slumber at 4:30am with just enough time to throw on clothes and drive over to the beach. We were a little surprised at how many people were there at the time, but none-the-less, it felt serene.
There is something about sunrises that is inspiring to me. Maybe because I've only seen a few in my lifetime that I remember and enjoyed. Personally, I like being one of the only people to do something. It could be the elitist in me, but knowing that not everyone is experiencing what I am, that I am different in some way, makes me feel good. And so it is with sunrises. Even though there were students still drunk from a night out laughing and throwing each other into the water next to us. And even though we went home and fell asleep for another 4 hours, it just made my day to reflect back at moments and relive the peace that comes with a new dawn.