It's been a little over a month since either of us wrote because we have been really
stinkin' busy. The past 3 weeks or so have been consumed with preparing for our final exams and finishing up grading and other obscure administrative tasks that come with the job. Everything kind of hits all at the end, and the Korean way is to throw something at you with a short deadline and see how badly you squirm. It's similar to putting salt on a slug, except you don't die. :)
But today--this morning actually--I gave me last final exam. So after I submit my grades in the next week or so, I'll be work-responsibility-free except from 4:20-6;10pm, Monday through Thursday, for the next 2 months or so. And considering those hours are overtime pay beyond our base salary, it's a very lucrative deal.

So after my final this morning, Rebs and I came home and I have been piddling around the house for the past couple of hours. I finished reading a children's book on Barak Obama that a student gave me as a gift for Teacher's Day. I cleaned our newly purchased toaster oven from head to toe with Windex, and washed its innards. Then I decided to test out the skewer that came with it and had a cheddar brat (from Costco) with fixings and some leftover homemade coleslaw and watermelon. And I watched Monday and Tuesday's world news on ABC. Sad to hear about the two American girls being convicted to 12 years in labor camps in North Korea.
And I start to wonder if this is what summer is going to be like for me. Piddling... I don't think I do so well without purpose. I don't entertain myself well unless I have a goal in mind, even if it's just a simple one. I don't rest well. Maybe it's my upbringing, maybe it's my nature, but I think I'm going to have lots of practice this summer.

This isn't to say that I won't have anything to do. I actually have already made a list of things I'd like to do/accomplish. I heard once that if you write down something you want to do, you're 60% more likely to go through with it. I don't know if it's true or not.
Though we have been busy with work, we've also been busy seeing new things. Over the past two weeks, we got to experience the Dano Festival, climb at Seoraksan with friends, and go to a get-together at one of our colleagues' pension (a Korean bed-and-breakfast) in the country. I ate authentic Indian curry and Nan (oven baked flat bread) at the festival, got to climb a multi-pitch route with my friend Greg (with bolts so run out that you dare not contemplate the idea of falling), and ate fresh cherries off a cherry tree. All in all, every moment was unique, enjoyable, and memorable. Here are a few pictures to enjoy.