Well, I never thought I'd say this, but I have learned to truly appreciate being restful. I hope that doesn't come off sounding too lazy because I am definitely still busy. It's just a different kind of busy. A restful busyness, if that's possible. Over the past few weeks, I have hardly climbed at all... and I have loved every minute of it. I don't think that I'll never want to climb again, but I think I had partly forgotten what else there was to do in life that was satisfying. And my lack of aptitude or creativity made the art of climbing much less satisfying for me also.
I was lying in bed last night, just realizing all the blessings I have to be thankful for. I feel like God has blessed me so much lately. I don't think that He blessed me any less 3 weeks ago, but I've just been noticing those blessings more lately. Sort of a stop-and-smell-the-roses kind of attitude.

I have an apartment set up in a way that is easily livable and comfortable. Rebs and I each have our chores that we claim to make living for ourselves and the other person easier. We each have our own flaws and strengths. But in it all, we strive for an unconditional love, one that is unchanging even if we're angry. We have a little basil plant that brings us joy to see how much it grows towards the light on a sunny day. We feel blessed by our Creator when we get to be in the Creation, like when we soak the sun into our skin on the beach under a cloudless sky. I feel blessed in the fact that I can talk to my close friends and family on Skype at the push of a button, even though I'm (literally) on the other side of the world. I feel blessed to have a body that can carry me 10+ miles of running in that Creation that I mentioned earlier. And I feel blessed to experience the warmth and the gentle beat of my wife's heart against my chest as she sleeps.
Thank You.