Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A Short Update
There isn't too much exciting going on around here these days, but we're still trucking along. It's been raining fairly heavily for two days straight and if it weren't for the indoor wall at the school here, I think I might be somewhat depressed. There's something about incessant rain that just gets you down.
On a different note, this month is "Movember", something that started several years ago between a group of guys in Australia. The basis is that you grow a moustache to bring awareness to men's health issues. So when someone asks you why you have a moustache, it provides the opportunity to talk about such things. The irony is that I don't know much about men's health issues because (at least I think) I don't have any. But most of the guys in our department are growing them. It's fun and a little embarrassing (for Rebs especially), although my 'stache is a little thicker than it was when I stopped shaving for a couple months several years ago. Back then, I looked like a Mexican convict. For now, you'll have to judge for yourself. I've gotten from one co-worker that I look like Jesus. I'll take it as a complement.