It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring.
Wait! Rather, the 28 year old woman named Rebs is snoring!
Yes, that's right people. It's monsoon season here which means, it is often pouring down rain outside. This is bad for the following reasons:
a. All I want to do is eat, sleep, read, and watch movies. This doesn't bode well for the diet and exercise plan I'm trying to stick to.
b. I can't lay in my beloved hammock unless I want to simultaneously bathe in acid rain.
c. My hair is a big ball of messy, frizzy curls. Oddly enough, Dusty seems to find this attractive. I tend to think I look like I stuck my finger in an electrical outlet.
d. I can't climb outside on real rock. This one almost brings me to tears.
Apparently, monsoon season can last several months. This is then followed by typhoon season which means we will continue to have frequent downpours for several more months. As my friend Rochelle would stay, "STINK!!!"